Sjors van Holst
During my second minor in UXD (User Experience Design) in CMD, I was asked by the product owner of MijnHvA to find a way to give students new insights into their study progress. The current progress page of MijnHvA consists of just a list of subjects and grades.
My concept introduced a new design where everything is structured into a timeline. I interviewed experts and students to identify what was missing. Students wanted to view their ESCPs and have clearer insights into what was missing. The organizer of year 3 wanted to give students the freedom to plan the order of minors and internships.
My solution features a timeline with clear grades indicating if students have sufficient, insufficient, pending grades, or need to start. This ensures students don't discover missing grades a year later. I included ESCPs and functionality allowing students to drag minors, internships, and more around in blocks to explore different study orders.
I learned a lot about client communication and prototyping in general during this project! I used Figma to create my Lo-Fi, Mi-Fi, and Hi-Fi.